Jobs Ashore

Sea to Shore Industry Placement Scheme (SSIPS)

For employers who are looking to offer work placements and give a seafarer the opportunity to experience a real-life working environment, please click on the link below and fill out the form.

SSIPS sign up form


Job Vacancies

Coming Ashore members have exclusive access to a dedicated LinkedIn Group where active job vacancies are regularly posted. If you are a Coming Ashore member, please ensure to regularly check this LinkedIn page to gain quick access to a wide range of suitable opportunities within the industry.

For any queries regarding access to this LinkedIn Group - please contact

If you are interested in joining our Coming Ashore programme please Click Here to sign up.


Maritime Job Board

Recruitment agencies that specialise in shore side roles:

Elite Consult -

Faststream -

Halycon Recruitment -

Helm Recruitment -

Jobs in Maritime -

Lloyds List Recruitment -

The Nautical Institute -

Seaworthy Consulting -

Spinnaker Global -

Stone Fort Maritime -

Thames Skills Academy - 

UK Harbour Master's Association (UKHMA) - 

Wilson Halligan - Yacht Jobs Search | Wilsonhalligan | Yacht Recruitment for Crew & More