Coming ashore
Make the transition to a shore-side maritime role
As the UK’s longest-running maritime charity, we've created a 2-year dedicated programme to help seafarers get the support and skills they need to transition to a shore-side career in the maritime sector.
Sign up for free today and receive:
· 2-year structured approach to transitioning ashore
· Resources to help you research new roles
· Help with building a CV and online networking (by a Marine Society staff member or programme mentor)
· 1-2-1 industry mentoring
· Personality profiling tool (limited availability)
· Access to expert webinars
· Industry placement (subject availability)
· Six month free access to our Learn@Sea courses
· Bursaries towards professional qualification fees
Bi-monthly newsletter subscription: Click here to sign up
About the project
The issue of poor support for seafarers after their sea career was first identified in the UK as part of Project Ulysses. The project identified help for seafarers coming ashore as a key recommendation and sought to understand the skills gap and educational needs for seafarers wanting to come ashore. Marine Society’s involvement in this area fits, with its mission to support the life-long learning needs of seafarers, at sea or coming ashore.
Marine Society already supports seafarers who want to stay at sea and progress their career. Now we have new funding to support those considering a career ashore. The new Coming Ashore project will fund professional guidance, mentoring and work experience opportunities for seafarers who are looking for a maritime profession on land.
Want to find out more? Register
The Coming Ashore programme's goal is to identify and address additional skills and experience seafarers need when coming ashore and then providing a pathway to ensure they are suitably equipped. We have a number of industry professionals signed up as mentors, together with partner organisations who are providing a series of podcasts that explain the range of roles shore-side. The programme is open to all ranks and nationality.
Marine Society Director, Darrell Bate