Employer Information
Our apprenticeships offer employers the chance to introduce aspiring seafarers to the maritime industry through a standardised programme, laying out a clear path to full-time employment within the sector.
"Our apprenticeship programme comprises seven standards that closely align with the Maritime 2050 strategy, however we have discovered many employers are unaware of the golden opportunities these apprenticeships present."
- Darrell Bate, Director of Maritime Training and Development
Benefits of apprenticeships
- Bespoke programmes that are cost-effective and designed to meet the needs of your business.
- Training is integrated into the work week minimising disruption and tailored to the job role and requirements.
- Opportunity to fill a skills gap that is unique to your business.
- Current employees build skills in mentoring, training, and management.
- Boost loyalty and morale resulting in reduced staff turnover.
- Build a socially responsible business by providing opportunities for the local community and reducing unemployment.
- Create a learning culture to build knowledge, competence, and skills in your current workforce.
Apprenticeships are suitable for any sector, from Maritime to Business Management.
What’s the cost?
You can get government funding to cover some of the cost of training and assessing an apprentice if you’re in England.
You will fall into either a “Levy” or “Non-Levy” Employer.
Employers with an annual pay-bill of OVER £3MILLION = LEVY PAYING. You will use the Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS) to reserve funding. (MSSC can help support you with this)
Employers with an annual pay-bill of UNDER £3MILLION = NON-LEVY PAYING. You will be required to co invest. The ESFA will contribute 95% of total training costs, the employer will pay the remaining 5%. You will use the Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS) to reserve funding. (MSSC can help support you with this.)
Employers can train, at no cost, apprentices aged 16-18 or aged 19-24 who have previously been in care or who have an Education, Health and Care plan. Employers are not required to contribute the 5% co-investment; instead, the ESFA will pay 100% of the training costs.
Funding opportunities
Did you know employers can now receive extra funding for taking on apprentices on the following standards?:
- Level 3 Officer of the Watch
- Level 3 Small Commercial Vessel Crewmember
- Level 2 Seafarer (Deck) Rating
In a bid to support the growth of the maritime industry and invest in the development of future maritime professionals, the Maritime Educational Foundation is giving employers a £6000 bursary for every apprentice.
Funding opportunities - Maritime Educational Foundation (meftraining.org)
How to recruit an apprentice?
If you are seeking to advertise and recruit a new apprentice the you can use the .Gov Recruit an apprentice webpage. Click here to take you to their website.
For further information and guidance, please click the link below:
Employer Apprenticeship Guides
If you still cannot fnd an opportunity or you have any further questions please contact us @ learning@ms-sc.org