Marine Society has successfully bid to the Maritime Skills Commission for a project to develop a new accredited qualification that introduces school and college leavers to the wide range of shore based roles in maritime.
Project lead, Darrell Bate and curriculum consultant James Bullar plan to revise the existing Open Awards Level 3 Certificate in Maritime Studies to reach a new audience of school leavers for young adults and attract them into the maritime sector. A steering group comprising shipping firm Casper Shipping, the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and Stockton Riverside College has been formed to guide the process through to completion in April 2021.
The qualification will include brand new modules covering; maritime trade, port operations and commercial shipping. These will sit alongside existing modules such as navigation, boat handling, marine stability and running a maritime business, allowing students to follow a ‘wet’ or ‘dry’ side maritime pathway. First teaching is expected in September 2021 at Stockton Riverside before wider rollout to the post 16 sector.
The Maritime Commission is a representative body of maritime professionals and leaders tasked by the Department for Transport to implement the key themes of the Government’s Maritime 2050 strategy. Details of their work and this project can be found HERE