On Wednesday 19th September, representatives past and present from the Marine Society and Sea Cadets attended a Gala Reception hosted by the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Guest speaker Sir David Attenborough OM FRS, Royal Museums Greenwich Honorary Commodore, opened four new galleries – Polar Worlds, Tudor and Stuart Seafarers, Pacific Encounters and Sea Things. MSSC staff (past and present) and Sea Cadets who attended were Mark Windsor, Carla Rockson, Joan Pickering, Nick Chubb, Harry Clark and Cathall Hegarty. Bill Collier, Anastasia Finch and Charles Woodward were not available to attend the event but were part of the project. Several months ago MSSC staff (some now past employees) were invited to be a part of the beachcombers project developed by the Royal Museums Greenwich. This was part of their exciting Endeavour Galleries Project to create four new galleries that would appeal to a wide range of people in order to make the museum more accessible, create community ownership, represent invisible history and more collaboration to create a social and inspiring place. MSSC staff were invited to be part of the Sea Things Gallery where visitors can explore, interact and find their own connection to the sea. During the development stages of the project, MSSC staff were invited to attend the museum to have their photographs taken with a wide variety of weird and wonderful artefacts related to the sea and give their thoughts on the object. These photos and comments are now part of an interactive display to support the objects being displayed in the gallery. The Museum invited MSSC to be a part of this project, recognising the important part we play and representation we have within the maritime industry and with communities and young people across the country. The event was well attended and everyone had a great time. The gala evening was opened by amazing Polynesian dancers, the Minister of Arts & Culture gave a speech and acknowledged the contribution of the Lottery Fund to the project and finally Sir David Attenborough gave a captivating speech to open the galleries. A fantastic time was had by all!!